St. Matthews Missionary Baptist Church
St. Matthews Missionary Baptist Church
Making a difference in the Community, one life at a time.
6100 NW 24th Ave | Miami, FL 33142 | (305) 635-5177 | Rev. Vincent Brown, Pastor/Teacher
Celebrating 100 Years!
Celebrating 100 Years!
Dear Friends:
It is our supreme honor to announce that St. Matthews Missionary Baptist Church will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary this year on September 12, 2021. Words cannot express how proud we are of the great heritage and legacy left behind by our Founders and first ministry supporters who built a solid foundation for our generation to stand on.
From 1921, this group of men and women translated their vision and desire for ministry into a reality that have endured World Wars, segregation, Jim Crow laws, discrimination and other man-made barriers that tried to stop the vision. These men and women endured, survived and thrived to achieve their goals.
Now in 2021, we are keeping the faith and setting our eyes toward even higher heights of achievement and excellence, while never forgetting from which we have come.
Contact us at the Church Office: (305) 635-5177 or (954) 483-6058
Rev. Vincent Brown, Pastor
St. Matthews Missionary Baptist Church
6100 N.W. 24th Avenue
Miami, FL 33142
Our Signature Sponsorships
Our Signature Sponsorships
We invite you to become a Sponsor
of this once in a lifetime event.
Sponsorship Levels are:
Platinum $5,000
Gold $2,500
Silver $1,000
Bronze $500
* Sponsor a Senior Citizen * $100
Our Souvenir Book Ads
Our Souvenir Book Ads
Place a Memorial Ad for a loved one
or promote your business or project
or send a Congratulatory Message.
Souvenir Ad Rates are:
Full Page $150
Half Page $75
Quarter Page $50
Business Card $25
Patron Name Listing $10